2018 Earliest Plant Dates for Corn and Soybeans in Ohio

Spring planting season is right around the corner. Let us take a quick moment to offer these reminders pertinent to this time of year:

  • **Reminder: Corn planted before the earliest planting date is not eligible for replant payments from the federal policy. The insurance guarantee is not impacted as long as producers follow good farming practices**
  • **Clients who purchased corn supplemental replant extra insurances policies:  You are eligible for replant payments from the replant extra policy up to 20 days prior to the federal earliest planting dates indicated below. Also, replant extra clients are eligible for payments from that policy starting with the first acre.**

Corn Earliest Plant Dates Are Below

Ohio Earliest Planting Dates Corn

Ohio Earliest Planting Dates Corn

  • **Reminder: Soybeans planted before the earliest planting date are not eligible for replant payments from the federal policy. The insurance guarantee is not impacted as long as producers follow good farming practices**
  • **Clients who purchased soybean supplemental replant extra insurance policies:  You are eligible for replant payments from the replant extra policy up to 20 days prior to the federal earliest planting dates indicated below. Also, replant extra clients are eligible for payments from that policy starting with the first acre.**

Soybean Earliest Plant Dates Are Below

Ohio Earliest Planting Dates Soybeans

Ohio Earliest Planting Dates Soybeans